Helping Talented People Achieve Their Dream Career
“There is something wonderful about watching people walk in their true calling; THEIR DREAMâ€Are You Bold Enough To Pursue Your Career Dreams?Unfulfilled Career Dreams are no longer an option. I founded Paula Robinson International (PRI) and I have dedicated this portion of my business to helping talented people like you, achieve your Career Dreams. Paula Robinson International (PRI) is dedicated to our online community and our one on one coaching clients.PRI has created an opportunity for me, my team and partners to offer services to people no matter where they are. We assist people from all around the world with their Career Dreams. We support people who are bold enough to pursue their dreams. PRI can help you get to where you want to be. I have found that people make achieving their Career Dreams harder than it needs to be, and I wanted to help. I needed to help. Did you know more than 60% of working adults are spending time working in roles that are unfulfilling or have nothing to do with their true calling or passion? This is an astounding number and quite honestly it is disturbing. Many people long to do something else or work somewhere else. I have been in those very same shoes and realized that if I didn’t change my destiny, other people would continue to do it for me. I had the power to make things happen for myself. I had two choices. I could complain or I could take action. To be perfectly honest, I did both. Eventually, action and faith kicked complaining in the *you know what* and I have never looked back. As long-term human resources and leadership expert responsible for the development of senior teams, hundreds of staff members, I have helped to transform countless professional and leadership careers, through open and honest coaching and the development of successful business strategies. When working with my corporate clients through JPR, I often thought about how to effectively serve people who I may never meet face-to-face. I knew it was important to create a place where talented people could use our services to thrive in their careers. So, PRI was born. We have worked with remarkable people and they have experienced remarkable success. This sounds great, right? But here was my challenge. I quickly realized that in-person support and coaching only, would not permit me to work with everyone who needed my help, so creating PRI allows me to coach people all around the world, without limits. Turning people away who truly wanted my help did not align with my personal or professional mission. So, now I don’t have to say “No†to anyone who is truly ready to pursue their Career Dreams.I wanted to be sure that everyone had an opportunity to benefit from our services by making sure our pricing was within reach. Sometimes reaching your goal is just one single step away and I wanted to remove every possible obstacle. While dreaming is an action, it is your dedication to the process that makes dreams come true. We do not do the work for you. We simply offer resources that support Your Commitment to Your Career Dreams. Are you ready? We all have to do something. Why not do your Dream?Schedule Your Free Consultation Here.